

ARN ring into the new group, to witness 60 years of brand power
National Development and Reform Commission,Ministry of Commerce identified as the national auto parts export base enterprises
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Group profileQualification honormore+

Anhui ARN Group Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as ARN) is engaged in automotive engines and other important systems, key components R & D and production of professional enterprise groups. At present, there are fifteen  joint ventures, ten first-class wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries, which are engaged in auto parts manufacturing, export trade, auto sales, auto parts sales, real estate development and so on.

Anhui Ring New Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ARN) is engaged in automotive engines and other important systems, key components R & D and production of professional enterprise groups. At present, there are fifteen  joint ventures, ten first-class wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries, which are engaged in auto parts manufacturing, export trade, auto sales, auto parts sales, real estate development and so on.

Group publicity filmmore+

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