

Anhui Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee and Executive Vice Governor Deng Xiangyang paid a visit to ARN Group for investigation

上线时刻: 人气:0 来自:admin

On May 27th, Deng Xiangyang, executive vice governor of Anhui Province, and his entourage came to Anqing to inspect flood control and high quality development. In the afternoon, Deng Xiangyang and his party came to ARN Group to investigate the development of the enterprise. Group Chairman Pan Yixin, General Manager Cao Lixin, Assistant President Cai Xiangdong, and ATG Executive General Manager Zhu Huashan accompanied the visit of ATG's manufacturing site.

Chairman Pan Yixin reported on the development of ARN Group and introduced the company's product composition, product performance, technological advantages and market prospects. In the product exhibition hall, Vice Governor Deng stayed for a long time, carefully observed the engine model, asked technical parameters, especially for new energy battery products, expressed high concern. Chairman Pan gave a detailed answer to the issues concerned by Vice Governor Deng.

Vice Governor Deng Xiangyang fully affirmed ARN Group's adherence to the innovation-driven and market-oriented development strategy. Vice Governor Deng Xiangyang emphasized that the future of the new energy market has broad prospects and opportunities, and hopes that the company will speed up product research and development and technological breakthroughs, make full use of various policy resources, continuously improve technologies and processes, and promote high-quality development of enterprises. Vice Governor Deng also encouraged ARN Group not to forget its original intentions and continue to work hard to achieve the goal of 100 billion RMB.

Provincial and municipal leaders Li Bifang, Wan Shiqi, Chen Bingbing and Jiang Xingdai accompanied the investigation. (Zhang Weixia)

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