

Fighting against the epidemic, charitable enterprises are in actions

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In the past few days, in the face of the severe situation of the new coronavirus-infected pneumonia epidemic in Anqing, many caring enterprises in Anqing have responded to the announcement of the Municipal Charity Association, actively carried out donation activities, fulfilled their social responsibilities, and helped Anqing people win the anti-epidemic defense .

Since the outbreak of the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, Anhui Ring New Group Co., Ltd. has, in the spirit of "fighting the epidemic and defending the soil", urgently deployed the employees of the Group to prevent and control the epidemic.While protecting the safety and health of all employees, it paid close attention to Anqing and the surrounding epidemic situation. On February 4th, the company donated 1 million RMB to Anqing Charity Association to fight the epidemic.

Anhui Huamao Group Company and Shuguang Group, while organizing their own prevention and control work, actively fulfilled their social responsibilities and donated 1 million RMB to prevent the epidemic, helping Anqing to combat the new coronavirus infection of pneumonia.

Anqing Taifa Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Tianmeng Real Estate Co., Ltd., Anqing Chamber of Commerce in Nanjing, Anqing Chamber of Commerce in Bengbu, Anqing Chamber of Commerce in Jinan and other caring enterprises also responded to the city's epidemic prevention and control decision-making deployment, actively donated and contributed,providing a strong material guarantee and spiritual power for the front line of the epidemic resistance.

At present, the funds donated by various enterprises have been allocated to the medical institutions and districts for the prevention and control of epidemic diseases in a timely manner.

(Editor in charge: Zhang Xin)

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