

The Red Tour of third Party branch from ATG administration

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"Read ten thousand books, travel thousands of miles", on the advent of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the party, in order to deepen the understanding of the party history of all party members and active members of the party, to deeply understand the profound significance of maintaining the advanced education activities of party members and improve party members Ideological quality and political consciousness, on June 6, with the strong support of the company leaders, 20 party members and activists of the third party branch of ATG, led by Secretary He Guo, went to "Revolutionary Martyrs County" Yuexi for party building education and learning activity.

With great respect, we came to this hot spot full of blood of the revolutionary martyrs, visited the Red 28th Army Headquarters and the People's Martyrs Monument, and visited the Red 28th Army Military and Political Exhibition Hall and the Red 28th Army cadres at that time. The place to work and live-Niejia Old House, learned about the difficult and tortuous revolutionary process and brilliance of the three formations of the Red 28 Army, the transition to Hubei, Henan, Anhui, the development of local armed forces, the construction of party organizations, the construction of base areas, the negotiation of Yuexi, the rectification of Qiliping history.

Although the time is short, this visit gave us a vivid and profound lesson for all party members. We will take this red journey as a new starting point in life and devote ourselves to a new round of work with a brand-new spiritual outlook In learning and learning, we urge ourselves to think hard, to innovate actively, to work hard, to make continuous progress, and to contribute our respective strengths to achieve good and fast development of the company.

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